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Bucketlist ...:

Autorenbild: Daniel MayorovDaniel Mayorov

... is good to have. Usually it is motivating people through their life, not with a too serious approach. Jumping off the plane, visiting X countries, raising kids or planting a tree... Crazy things coming out.

I also have a bucketlist, not for life in general but for my professional projects and goals. And last week I took something off: Thanks to my longterm client WebsEdge (6 years of science-based projects - world-leading technology, innovation and multiple Nobel Prize winners) and #Department of #Urology, University Hospital #Heidelberg, I finally managed it into a surgery - and I didn't even faint, the excitement was too high. Thanks to Brian, who was a great partner to work with! Thanks also to Prof. Dr. Markus Hohenfellner and PD Dr. med. Magdalena Görtz and the whole department team for the very warm welcome and support during the shoot. Seeing how nowadays Robotics support surgery and big data is helping in diagnosis is just insane...


Back to my bucket list, some of the points I would like to get done in close future: Shooting from a #Helicopter and working on a big sports tournament, like #EM2024... Come on, #network, make it happen!




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